Career Success Schools
Career Success School will be hiring contracted tutors from 1 to 1 Tutoring. The contracted tutors student ratio will be a 1:1 or small groups of 1:5, or less, as needed. The tutors will be on-site during the school day at each of our 4 campuses, for 5 hours per day, four days per week, Monday through Thursday. Each tutoring session will take place daily and support will last a few minutes to support a student's overcoming a brief challenge, or to 20 minutes or longer depending upon the complexity of the assignment, project, or assignment, and student understanding levels. Each tutoring session will be individually determined, based on the needs of each student or small group of students. The frequency of tutoring is considered to be "high-dosage" support. The tutoring will be taking place during the school day so tutoring will be available to all students. SpringBoard math and ELA is a Tier-4 (has been approved through ADE), Voyager Passport Language Live! and Voyager Passport (both are included on the MOWR list. Students will be selected for tutoring based on attendance, classroom performance, failing grades, and benchmark assessment data.
School Social Workers (SSW) are teaching twice weekly during advisory period and they are using the following evidence-based curriculum:
Second Step (K-12). Students who work with social workers are self-referral, teacher referral, and principal referral, and parent referral.
Social workers will not only teach twice per week, but will also be providing vulnerable students and their families with social assistance needs through resources for health care, housing, transportation, food, and other social needs, etc.
Vulnerable populations: Each major racial and ethnic group, and economically disadvantaged populations.