Compass Points International, Inc
Summer school 2023 Instructor pay will be funded through this grant. 4 week program.
Special populations such as low-income (we are Title I qualified), disabled students, students of color, LGBTQ+ and children in foster homes will be prioritized in these learning and growth opportunities. We will use Kahn Academy to support the learning loss and credit recovery.
Discovery Program-training for full implementation
The Discovery Program, which is an SEL program designed lessen anxiety, and provide a smooth transition back into the face to face world. Discovery encourages growth in students' social-emotional skills, which are necessary to be responsible and effective in school, home, and work environments, and within the larger community. This program gives the students equal footing on which to develop their own behavioral responses to redirection, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and anger management. This training and program gives unique populations the keys to the communication kingdom, and allows, through a common language, concrete and specific strategies to maintain mental wellness, and/or ask for help when needed. Once teachers are fully trained in this program, students will be instructed in an advisory class (Crew) daily for 40 minutes. During this time, teachers will provide lessons and guidance from the Discovery Program training to encourage social-emotional wellness, and proactive communication. Special populations such as low-income (we are Title I qualified), disabled students, students of color, LGBTQ+ and children in foster homes will be prioritized in these learning and growth opportunities. We will use Kahn Academy to support learning loss and credit recovery. See related documents for Evidenced BasedsPrograms
School Year 22-23 Teacher and Paraprofessional Tutoring--Kahn academy will be the Evidenced Based Program used-12 weeks. Special populations such as low-income (we are Title I qualified), disabled students, students of color, LGBTQ+ and children in foster homes will be prioritized in these learning and growth opportunities. We will use Kahn Academy to support learning loss and credit recovery.