Cortez Park Charter Middle School, Inc.
Imagine Schools' teachers continue to provide instruction and learning experiences for students temporarily out of school because of quarantine/close contact or when COVID positive - remotely, as appropriate. Details for providing these interim instructional experiences in the most simple means possible for students/families and teachers can be found in our Imagine Instructional Time model, linked here.
Additional measures we provide to meet the academic needs of students include:
- Increased RTI support for students during the regular school day (including opportunities for targeted support during small group instruction).
- Frequent administering and analysis of assessments to monitor progress of students, inform instruction and identify students that need additional supports/interventions during and beyond the regular school day. (Assessments include: STAR benchmark assessments and quarterly ATI benchmarks in ELA and math, Phonics screeners, EL proficiency assessments, curriculum based assessments specific to each site, and ongoing formative observations on the part of teachers.)
- Embedded time for collaboration for teachers to review Imagine AZ pacing guides to identify most important "priority" standards, engage in instructional conversations, and review student learning data with colleagues and members of site leadership teams.
- Professional Development and onsite coaching and support to better equip teachers to use effective instructional strategies.
- Extended learning opportunities for students including tutoring services available before or after school and Summer School intervention and enrichment (including credit recovery options at grades 9-12).
- Resources (including instructional materials and technology tools) are made available to students to ensure learning from home continues during short term disruptions to in-person learning.
Imagine Schools provides the following measures to meet the social, emotional and mental health needs of students in this context:
- Teachers routinely check in with students and facilitate lessons or experiences to support students' overall social/emotional well-being. Teachers have participated in Social Emotional Learning professional development across the network over the last 20 months.
- Site leadership team members work with SST teams, Gen Ed and SPED teachers, and counselors/social workers to analyze trends in student data/behaviors - and secure additional supports for teachers and classified staff members from our Regional Behavioral Specialist (or others) to positively address and support students demonstrating concerning behaviors.
- Additional supports or services are provided or recommended to students identified as in need (in collaboration and coordination with families, site base counselors, or other community agencies). Services include virtual counseling support available for students at home due to quarantine or illness through the AZ Dept of Education School Safety Grant, which funds school counselors and social workers at many of our Imagine schools.
- School leadership teams promote the importance of social/emotional and mental health - and provide families with resources and contact information to access additional supports for students as may be necessary.
-Physical Education Curriculum and Equipment - There is a need to update the curriculum and equipment for our physical education classes. Physical Education is an important piece of addressing social and emotional well being of our vulnerable population during COVID. Each major racial and ethnic group, poor students, children with disabilities, English learners, gender and migrant status; students experiencing homelessness; and children and youth in foster care will be part of the program In addition, to maintain safe and healthy classes we need to purchase additional equipment to allow for social distancing, cleaning and separation of items among students.
-School counselor on our campus to address the many SEL needs of our students who are in the vulnerable population created by COVID19.Caring School Community SEL Program Caring School Community will be used during the session it is a comprehensive, research-based social and emotional learning (SEL) program that builds school-wide community, develops students' social skills and SEL competencies, and enables a transformative stance on discipline. Each major racial and ethnic group, poor students, children with disabilities, English learners, gender and migrant status; students experiencing homelessness; and children and youth in foster care will be part of the program.
-6-8 ELA Curriculum Adoption - Into Literature. There is a need to update resources to better mirror AZ Standard and best instructional practices and approach to teaching literacy
-6-8 Math Curriculum Adoption - Into Math. There is a need to update resources to better mirror AZ Standard and best instructional practices and approach to teaching math
-Instructional Salaries -HQ teachers for push in/pull out groups to address learning loss due to COVID 19 using Into Literature and Into Math curriculum. Each major racial and ethnic group, poor students, children with disabilities, English learners, gender and migrant status; students experiencing homelessness; and children and youth in foster care will be part of the program