Ed Ahead
Smaller class sizes will allow even more support to effectively provide necessary services based on a child's IEP. In addition to the child's identified goals in their IEP, Special Educaiton students will benefit from small group and individual intervention programs using the following curriculum programs: Math in Focus (K-5), myView ELA (K-5), Renaissance Freckle Math (K-5), Renaissance myOn & myOn News (ELA K-5) which all have built in differentiation and supplemental lessons. Special Education services will be monitored by the Special Education teacher and our certified evaluator by reviewing lesson plans, classroom observations and staff, student and parent feedback. Smaller class sizes will allow even more support to effectively provide necessary services for identified homeless students. Homeless students will benefit from small group and individual intervention programs using the following curriculum programs: Math In Focus, myView, Renaissance Freckle and Renaissance myOn & myOn News all have built in differentiation. Homeless services will be monitored by the Homeless Liaison and our certified evaluator by reviewing lesson plans, classroom observations and staff, student and parent feedback.
A school social worker will be hired to meet specific student and family related needs. The school social worker will also provide social emotional learning lessons in the classrooms.