Summer 2025 Electronic Benefit Transfer (Summer-EBT)
Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer Program (Summer-EBT/SUN Bucks) supplements summer meals programs by providing grocery-buying benefits to low-income families with school-aged children who lose access to free or reduced-price school meals through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) when schools are closed for the summer.
ADE is currently updating the 2025 SUN Bucks application. This application, along with additional guidance, will be available in the coming months.
SEBT 01-2023: Guidance for State implementation of Summer EBT in 2024.
SEBT 03-2023: This memorandum provides information to assist states, tribal organizations, and territories in preparing to implement Summer EBT in 2024, including Summer EBT Eligibility, Certification, and Verification.
SEBT 03-2024: This memorandum provides the 2024 Summer EBT benefit levels for all States and Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs) operating the program.
HNS 05-2024: Announcing Arizona 2024 Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer Program
What You Need to Know About Data and Access to SUN Bucks Benefits Webinar (Recording) (Slides) (Q&A)
- Summer EBT website: SUN Bucks: Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (Summer-EBT) | Arizona Department of Education ( /
- Summer EBT hotline/phone number: 833-648-4406
- Summer EBT email address: [email protected]
Public Notice Informing the Public about the Proposed Summer EBT Waivers
FNS has determined that Arizona must submit a request seeking waiver approval in order to administer the Summer EBT as planned. FNS has authority to waive regulatory provisions for Summer EBT, when certain conditions are met, consistent with Section 12(l) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, 42 U.S.C. 1760(l).
Waiver(s) Requested:
7 CFR 292.12(f)(1) Income applications.
The Summer EBT agency must notify (or place notification in the mail) eligible households of a child's approved status within 15 operational days of receipt of a complete application.
7 CFR 292.12(g) Denied applications and the notice of denial.
The Summer EBT agency must provide written notice to each household denied benefits within 15 operational days of receipt of a complete application.
7 CFR 292.15(c)(1)(i)(A) Benefit Issuance.
For children who can be streamline certified or who have an approved Summer EBT application on file, benefits must be issued and available for participants to use 7-14 calendar days before the start of the summer operational period.
7 CFR 292.15(c)(1)(i)(B) Benefit Issuance.
For eligible children who apply after the summer operational period begins, benefits must be issued and available to spend not later than 15 operational days after a complete application is received by the Summer EBT agency.