Marana Unified District
There are several ways the LEA will ensure that interventions address the academic impact of lost instructional time and respond to academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students. Acadeince Data will be used to determine which students need additional support for students in grades K-3. Synergy Assessment Data and State Assessment Data will also be used to determine which students need additional support. This will include students in all sub groups, including students from low-income families, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, and migratory students.
To meet the academic needs of our students the district will use Acadience Data, Synergy Assessment Data and State Assessment Data, to provide:
-summer learning programs - This includes providing pay for certified and classified staff to teach using evidence based practices, pay for staff to be trained on evidence based practices and resources, and pay for staff to coordinate and plan for the summer school program.
-comprehensive after school programs.
- targeted tutoring during the school day.
To support all students, including those students disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, we will:
-Increase staff to support primary students in literacy at our five highest needs elementary schools based on Acadeince Data.
-Purchase supplemental evidence based online programs to provide students with opportunities for blended learning and additional learning outside of the school day. This will allow students to utilize evidence based online programs such as DreamBox, i-Ready Reading and Math, etc. after school, on weekends, or during the summer.
-Purchase instructional supplies/materials to implement evidence based teaching practices including but not limited to decodable readers, books to build classroom libraries, word work materials and Literacy Footprints sets for grades K-2 for all elementary schools and grades 3-6 for seven highest needs elementary schools.
-Increase technology in the classrooms to increase engagement, allow teachers to utilize blended learning opportunities, and allow for critical thinking of students.
-Add for 4 additional Counselors or Social Workers to work with schools on helping students and families find resources and small group instruction to deal with emotional trauma and mental health.
-Increase small group counseling support for at-risk populations including foster youth.
-Increase Student Behavior Supports staffing to support the development and implementation of student behavior plans to maximize student learning.