Morenci Unified District
Morenci Unified School District will ensure that the interventions implemented will address the academic impact of lost instructional time in addition to the social-emotional and mental health needs of all students through observations and assessments conducted by certified teachers, school counselors, academic coaches, and building principals. Following grade-level academic calendars, students will take district formative assessments as well as quarterly benchmark assessments. As an academic team, teachers, counselors, coaches, and principals will meet to discuss data and evaluate and monitor the behavior and social-emotional needs of all students. Professional development interventions will be implemented to ensure the MUSD staff and faculty receive training on evidence practices.
All students including but are not limited to those students in each major racial and ethnic group, economically disadvantaged students, children with disabilities, English learners, gender, and migrant status; students experiencing homelessness; and, children and youth in foster care students across the district who demonstrate academic learning loss due to COVID-19 will benefit and be included in all interventions including extended learning opportunities through targeted fall and spring intersessions, tutoring, and summer school offerings.