Sacaton Elementary District
Due to the low socio-economic status of our area, all of our students qualify as students from low-income families and have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and will be eligible for additional services such as Summer School and Spring Intercession opportunity as applicable. Supplies will be provided to all students such as notebooks, pencils, paper, manipulatives, books, etc. as needed.
Additionally, classroom teachers, content interventionists, and other various district staff (Reading Interventionists at the ES and MS, Math Interventionist at ES and MS, Media Specialist at ES and MS, District Literacy and Math Specialist, and special area teachers) will collaborate together to create and implement plans and strategies of targeting areas of focus for students' progress and growth in both academic areas and social-emotional areas, as well - implementing the SEL curriculum of Capturing Kids Hearts and providing staff with professional development to effectively implement strategies and methods into instruction and interaction with students. Curriculum refresh and supplements will also provide an insight into what students targeted needs are in terms of intervention and enrichment opportunities within the classroom, if an alternative curriculum better suits the needs of our students - it will be explored and considered.
All student success rate will be monitored by all district staff. If progress is not seen adjustment will be made to instruction as needed per individual student need.