Snowflake Unified District
By using funds to hire additional para professional who can support teachers by providing interventions and support for at risk and vulnerable populations, teachers are able to divide and conquer so to speak...more small group and individualized intervention is possible with not only the at risk and vulnerable population, but all subgroups and students benefit with additional instruction and intervention. Additional teachers to provide intervention and lower class sizes to address at risk and vulnerable populations, lower class sizes for all populations and that strategy helps all students also. Additional after school and summer school interventions provide additional opportunities for students to get support and additional positions to target at risk and vulnerable populations, lowers intervention class sizes and tutoring counts for other teachers as well, benefitting all populations seeking additional intervention opportunities.
Adding an additional mental health counselor while targeting at risk and vulnerable populations and subgroups, will lower the demand on other district counselors allowing for greater support for all students. Adding counseling services during the summer will help maintain mental health services during the summer months when students otherwise would have to fend for themselves. This gives them support nearly year round, which impacts the overall educational environment in the classroom when all students return and throughout the school year.
Both the additional summer school and summer counseling and summer student leadership opportunities will provide a reason for parents to bring students in to receive summer meals also, this benefits low income families, EL students, possible homeless students, and foster students a great deal.
Funds will also be used to purchase educational resources including ELA teaching units and resources; educational software ( site licenses); updated vocabulary/grammar textbooks, resources and materials; and updated K-6 reading curriculum, resources, and materials and additional educational materials and supplies to support equity in education and to assist in addressing learning loss or inequities due to Covid-19 related issues.
Funds will also be used to provide professional development in an SEL program and strategies to support SEL needs of students.