Valley Union High School District
Edgenuity's Courseware programming provides all students, including all demographics, the opportunity to earn credits towards graduation due to COVID issues, being economically disadvantaged, or other issues that would lead to a student falling behind. It provides to a small degree an alternative high school for our students without them having to leave our district. This allows those students to remain with their grade level peers, without dropping out, and continue to work on grade level requirements towards graduation.
SEL-Students being able to remain in a familiar school setting with their peers will assist students with their emotional and social well being. If students are to drop out of our high school, there are no nearby, local, opportunities for them to finish up their coursework towards graduation. Since many of these students are already economically disadvantaged, the possibility of online school or traveling the 30 plus minutes to an "alternative" high school is not possible. With the high school providing this credit recovery option, students are allowed to remain on our campus, with their peers and complete the coursework that will not be done otherwise. The social/emotional effect that being able to catch up to grade level and graduate with peers cannot be denied.
Additionally, the high school works to keep class sizes small in the English Language Arts and Mathematics to additionally help students complete the required coursework and receive individual attention from the teachers.
District will hire a part time counselor to also work with students to ensure their social emotional needs are being met.