West Valley Arts and Technology Academy, Inc.
Funds will be used to increase student support staff to provide more targeted instruction in small groups. Groups will be determined by data to identify the most at risk students and their academic needs. Teachers will use a push in and pull out service model based on student needs. Funds are also used for transportation to ensure students have access to in person learning. The Dean of Students will serve as a bridge between the school and families. Their role will include bringing outside resources in for families, as well as helping them navigate how to best support their child. The Dean's focus will be on social and emotional development, providing targeted intervention to students, and professional development to staff on best practices. The TES Personalized Learning Team will assist the leadership team with data management and evaluating the effectiveness of the academic and social emotional programming quarterly. Action plans with next steps will be created as needed to measure growth.
While the Dean of Students will be helping with behaviors; his main job is to ensure teachers have resources needed to provide social emotional support. He will provide small group SEL instruction to students regularly, push in to do whole group lessons, identify at risk students and connect their families with outside resources, and provide professional development to teachers. We do not have funds available to hire an additional counselor or social worker so we are being very intentional with the Dean's role in proactive support.