Yuma Union High School District
The ESSER III funds will enable YUHSD#70 to address the learning gaps created due to the pandemic. YUHSD#70 allocates its Title I, Title III, IDEA, and Homeless Ed grants to serve our low-income families, students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, and children in foster care. We braid and maximize our funds to support our students in intervention programs and school continuous improvement efforts. Our goal is to eliminate barriers that negatively impact academic proficiency by providing embedded intervention during the school day. We will continue to use our federal funds to support our students, such as Summer School to sustain tutoring and supports such as the PBIS/SEL student groups. ESSER III will enable YUHSD#70 to provide rigorous interventions, keep our students engaged and safe, to continue with academic growth.
YUHSD#70 will hold quarterly data monitoring meetings with site administration. The Learning and Teaching Team will discuss each school and their progress in their weekly meetings and in bi-weekly Principal meetings. Data markers will be published to all administrators. Students struggling will be referred to MTSS and monitored. School sites Leadership Teams will hold quarterly meetings to review TSI Goals, CNA, and IAP. The principals share continuance improvement data in their Principal meetings. The LEA will revisit their plans and assist as needed.