2024 Arizona Adult Education Institute

The 2024 Arizona Adult Education Institute will be in-person only from Thursday, September 12th through Saturday, September 14th.
The annual institute is designed for Arizona adult educators and program staff.
The following AZ Adult Education key personnel are REQUIRED to attend all 3 days of the Institute, so please plan accordingly.
- Title II: WIOA Program Administrators
- Full-time instructional leaders, teachers, and support staff
The following AZ Adult Education key personnel are REQUIRED to attend at least one day of the Institute. Please refer to the Institute schedule to plan accordingly.
- Part-time instructors and support staff
- College and Career Navigators
- Assessment Coordinators
Institute registration fees:
- Full 3-Day Registration: $540.00 per person (includes Boots & Bling)
- Single-Day Registration:
- Thursday, September 12th OR Saturday, September 14th: $199.00 per person
- Friday, September 13th: $240.00 per person (includes Boots & Bling)
Additional Information:
- Registration for this event must be completed in the ADE Professional Learning and Development system (APLD). Participants must have an ACTIVE account to complete registration.
- Please use your work email address when registering for this event. Emails are used to communicate Institute information and to issue credits and certificates through the ADE Professional Learning and Development system (APLD).
- PL credit hours will be awarded to registered attendees based on the number of Institute days attended. For three-day attendance, a maximum of 21 PL hours will be awarded (7 PL hours per day).
- Registration for the 2024 Adult Education Institute will open on July 8 and close on August 30, 2024.
Payment Information
- Acceptable methods of payment are purchase order (PO), check, or credit card. If paying with a PO or check, an electronic copy of the document is required during the registration process. If paying with a credit card, Visa and Mastercard are accepted. The AZ Department of Education does not accept American Express.
- Please note, supplying a purchase order to the Arizona Department of Education does not constitute a completed registration for this event.
- If you are bulk enrolling, each participant must already have an APLD account. Please see the guides below for general registration and bulk registration.
- General Registration How-To
- Bulk Registration How-To
Additional ADE Payment Terms and Conditions
- Credit cards are allowed up to 3-days prior to the event start date.
- Credit card cancellations are allowed up to 3-days prior to the event start date.
- Purchase Orders are allowed up 10-days prior to the event start date.
- Purchase Order cancellations are allowed up to 10-days prior to the event start date.
The 2024 AZ Adult Education Institute will be held at the Doubletree Resort by Hilton Hotel Paradise Valley-Scottsdale.
- For those who will need overnight lodging, please use the online reservations link or contact the hotel at 1-480-947-5400 (Group Code: CDTAES) to make your reservation by August 26, 2024. After that date, the hotel may not have rooms available at the contracted rate.
- A credit card is required to reserve hotel rooms.
- No Purchase Orders will be accepted prior to or at check-in.
Click the button to book rooms at the contracted rate of $151+/night. Please note that the Doubletree by Hilton webpage will display information regarding what is included in the resort charge; the resort charge is complimentary and will not be added to your reservation once you navigate to the payment page.
Hotel Reservation Link

Join your colleagues for an evening of networking and fun on Friday, September 13! Your evening will include a buffet dinner, music, and dancing! A no-host bar will be available. Wear your favorite boots or add some bling.
Boots and Bling is included with the full 3-day 2024 Adult Education Institute registration fee. Boots and Bling is also included with Friday, September 13th single-day registrations only. Check out more information with the event flyer here:
2024 Boots and Bling Event Flyer
It's time for the 2024 Arizona Association for Lifelong Learning (AALL) Awards!
The AALL Board would like to invite you to take a moment and nominate students, educators, administrators, support staff, volunteers and community members who go above and beyond in their support of lifelong learning and adult education in Arizona. Through ten nomination categories, including two student-of-the-year awards, you can find a variety of ways to acknowledge the efforts that mean so much to our students and our programs.
Please complete a nomination form (250 words or less) for each nomination. You may submit as many nominations as you like, one per form. Award winners will be honored in person at the ADE Adult Education Institute on Saturday, September 14, 2024, in Scottsdale, AZ. Award winners and nominators are asked to attend the awards ceremony in person.
Please see the AALL website for more information about AALL, how we support adult HSE and ELL students in Arizona, and more detail on award nominations.
We look forward to your nominations,
The AALL Board
Award categories are:
Award of Excellence in Honor of Gary P. Tang
This award honors an individual or group who has assisted a program or the Adult Education Division of the Arizona Department of Education in areas such as administration, ideology, instruction, legislation, public leadership, innovative services or initiating cooperative inter-agency activity.
Lifelong Learning Advocate Award in Honor of Francis E. Blake
This award honors an AALL member who has given a minimum of 5 years contribution to the field of Adult Education and has positively impacted or added value to the concept of learning as a lifelong process.
Lifetime Achievement Award in Honor of Gary A. Eyre
This award honors an individual who has served to foster the concept of lifelong learning for a minimum of 10 years and who has made far-reaching contributions to the field of lifelong learning at a local, state, national or international level.
AALL Rookie of the Year Award
This award honors an AALL member who has one to three years of active service in the field of Adult Education. The nominee has displayed leadership, demonstrated professional excellence, and has contributed to the field of lifelong learning.
AALL Educator of the Year Award
This award honors an AALL member who has four or more years of active service in the field of Adult Education, as either a full time or part time instructor.
AALL Support Staff of the Year Award
This award honors an employee who serves in any of the following capacities: clerical, classroom/lab aide, GED examiner, administrative assistant, support technician, student services. The nominee has contributed significantly to improving services for students. The nominee can be a full time or part time employee and does not have to be a member of AALL.
AALL Volunteer of the Year Award
This award honors a volunteer who has contributed his/her time to serving a program in any of the following capacities: clerical, classroom/lab aide, advisory board, leader, educator. The nominee does not have to be a member of AALL.
ELAA Student of the Year Award
This award honors an ELL or citizenship student. The nominee has been an active student during the current calendar year, demonstrated persistence and leadership, and contributed to the field of adult education.
ABE Student of the Year Award
This award honors an ABE/HSE student.The nominee has been an active student during the current calendar year, demonstrated persistence and leadership, and contributed to the field of adult education.
AALL Champion of the Year Award
Awarded to the person or entity outside of adult education who/which has championed adult learners and adult programs in Arizona.
Award descriptions and the nomination form link are also available on the AALL website. www.aafll.wildapricot.org/Awards
ADE/AES contacts are Carolyn Urish at [email protected] / 602-542-0163 or Janice Cruz at janice.cruz@azed.gov / 602-364-2602
Vendor/Exhibitor pricing covers all three days of the Institute: Thursday, September 12th - Saturday, September 14th, 2024. The Institute is pleased to host our Vendors/Exhibitors in the Grand Ballroom foyer with dedicated time during morning and afternoon refreshment service.
Vendor/Exhibitor Opportunities
Silver Tier - $300: one (1) 6-foot skirted table, electricity (if requested), wi-fi, one (1) complimentary 3-day Institute registration with breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack included, logo on Institute website / app, and an opportunity to include information or giveaways in conference bags.
Gold Tier - $1,000: Includes everything in Silver Tier plus a second complimentary Institute registration and vendor organization is recognized during General Sessions.
Platinum Level - $2,000: Includes everything in Gold Tier plus sponsorship of special event or activity, and marketing of the selected sponsorship.
Venue Information
Vendor/Exhibitor is responsible for all additional charges accrued at the venue which may include shipping costs of materials and hotel storage fees.
Location: Doubletree Resort by Hilton Hotel - Paradise Valley/Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ
Contact: Sandy Bruno, Director of Events, [email protected]
Vendor/Exhibitor materials may be shipped to the venue as addressed below and must arrive by Monday, September 9th, 2024:
ATTN: Sandy Bruno
AZ Dept. of Education Adult Education Institute
5401 N. Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85250
Shipping Label to Include on Boxes
Hold for: AZ Dept. of Education Adult Education Institute
Name of vendor / organization and onsite contact name
Event Dates: September 12 - 14, 2024
Number of items in total shipment, labeled in sequence (i.e. 1 of 2, etc.)
For Lodging Information, see above section: "Lodging Information"
Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Download the app for 2024 Arizona Adult Education Institute
We are excited to announce the app for 2024 Arizona Adult Education Institute, powered by Guidebook, is now available. With this resource, you have access to the most up-to-date information as well as networking tools.
Get started here: https://builder.guidebook.com/g/aei24/
Tap "Download the app" to access the guide on your iOS and Android device.
Please use this passphrase: aei2024
Prefer the web version? Some content and networking tools may be available online.