This is a request for additional accommodations for one (1) student who is eligible for the administration of the AZELLA and has a current IEP or 504 Plan. The additional accommodations being requested SHOULD NOT include those listed under the Universal Test Administration Conditions or under the "Approved AZELLA Assessment Accommodations." See the AZELLA Accommodations Manual.
One request submission will cover both AZELLA test administrations (Placement and Spring Reassessment) for the student during the current school year. This request is only valid for the current school year. If the student’s IEP or 504 Plan is updated for instruction and state assessments during the school year and after this initial submission, you will need to submit a new request with the updated IEP or 504 Plan.
There are no provisions, in either state or federal law, that would allow the exemption of AZELLA testing for eligible students who are enrolled in the Special Education program and require an AZELLA test. An IEP Team, which must include an expert in second language acquisition, may NOT exempt a student from participating in AZELLA testing.
Not all accommodations are appropriate for AZELLA testing. Approvable accommodations for AZELLA are those that do not alter the construct that the assessment is intended to measure.
The additional accommodations requested in this form must be included in the accommodations for instruction, district assessments, and state assessments section of the student's IEP or 504 Plan. Accommodations specific for AZELLA should also be included in the student's IEP or 504 Plan. This request must be accompanied by supporting documentation pages extracted from the student's IEP or 504 Plan.
The submission of this request form does not constitute an approval for the additional accommodations being requested. ADE will review the request and then ADE will provide a response to the AZELLA District Test Coordinator that includes approval, denial, or a request for additional information for each accommodation being requested. The entire review process may take up to 4 calendar weeks from the date of submission provided that the required documentation is submitted in the original request or additional information is submitted in a timely manner upon ADE's request. The student may NOT begin AZELLA testing until ADE's response indicates to proceed with the administration of the AZELLA test.
Spring 2025 Alt ELPA: If the student's IEP Team has determined the student eligible for Alternate Assessments, then the student is eligible for the Spring 2025 Alt ELPA administration provided that the student has a current AZELLA or Alt ELPA record. A "current" English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) record can be one of the following:
- an AZELLA Placement or Spring Reassessment test record dated during the 2023-2024 school year,
- a Spring Alt ELPA dated during the 2023-2024 school year, or
- an AZELLA Placement Test record from the current 2024-2025 school year.
For students who have a current AZELLA or Alt ELPA record, this Additional Accommodations Request Form is not necessary. For students who do not have a current AZELLA or Alt ELPA record, and are determined eligible for Alt ELPA, this Additional Accommodations form may be needed because the student will need to be administered the AZELLA Placement Test. Your Alternate Assessment DTC receives communications and guidance from ADE's Alternate Assessment Team regarding training and timelines for the administration of the Spring Alt ELPA test.
Will the student be able to access all AZELLA domains (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) WITH allowable and approved accommodations?
Identify the AZELLA Domain(s) in which the Student's Disability Precludes Participation (CANNOT ACCESS due to disability - e.g., completely deaf, and completely blind when the student does not use any accommodations for the disability).
Whenever administering any AZELLA test, the entire test must be administered. There are no exemptions to being administered a full AZELLA test. However, if, even with accommodations, a student is UNABLE to ACCESS one or more of the AZELLA domains because the student has a disability that precludes his or her participation in that domain, you must identify the domain(s) that the student’s IEP or 504 Plan have indicated that student is not able to access. For example, a student who is completely deaf and/or completely blind may not be able to "access" specific AZELLA domains. However, a student with a speech disability CAN "ACCESS" the Speaking Test and must be provided an earnest attempt with the AZELLA Speaking Test unit. A student may NOT be exempt from ALL the AZELLA domains.
Enter the official names, type (Switch, AAC, Mobility, etc.), and the primary task that the device supports for the devices that are included in the student's IEP or 504 Plan, and that the student uses during instruction and assessment.
Identify the approximate time that the student has used each device.
For each device, please enter the device name and describe the student's level of independence using the device as Minimally Independent, Partially Independent, or Fully Independent.
Describe how the student controls each device. (e.g., eye gaze, voice input, pressing a button, etc.)