Eligibility & Application
The Arizona Charter Schools Program is pleased to announce it has received a new award from the US Department of Education for opening new, replicating, or expanding charter schools. Please see the important dates below.
- November 13, 2024: Application Training for AZCSP 2026-2028 Part I RFA Eligibility
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM (MST)
Location: Arizona Department of Education (ADE) North Campus
100 N. 15th Ave., Phoenix, 85007 | Conference Room 4-500
- November 18, 2024: Application Training for AZCSP 2026-2028 Part II RFA Site-based Application
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM (MST)
Location: ADE South Campus
1535 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, 85007 | Conference Room B-2
- RFA AZCSP 2026-28 Application Deadline: 11:59 PM (MST) January 15, 2025
- In-person Capacity Interview: January 30-31, 2025; Time: TBA
The Arizona Charter Schools Program (AZCSP) has received a new grant from the US Department of Education, Title IV, Part C, EXPANDING OPPORTUNITY THROUGH QUALITY CHARTER SCHOOLS. The purpose of the grant is to hold competitive applications for school leaders who will open schools serving disadvantaged Arizona students.
The only applicants allowed to apply in 2024 must submit their charter application to the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools (ASBCS) in June 2024 or have submitted a replication application that will be approved by ASBCS in December 2024. Schools authorized by Arizona State University (ASU) must also be approved by the ASU authorizer by December 2024.
The proposed school shall meet one of the following definitions of educationally disadvantaged:
- A school serving at least 30% racially and ethnically diverse students; or
- A school serving at least 30% economically disadvantaged students eligible for federal lunch program support; or
- A school serving at least 30% of students with disabilities; or
- A school serving at least 30% English Language Learners (ELL).
AZCSP applicants must do the following to be eligible for the grant:
- Register as an Arizona nonprofit corporation with the Arizona Corporation Commission
- Register with the US Federal Contractor Registration (System Award Management)
The following types of schools are ineligible to apply for AZCSP funding:
- Schools that apply for Alternative Status
- Schools that use AOI funding to support their operation.
Subrecipients will be supported by an annual award over a period of three years. Three award competitions will be held annually in October 2024 through 2026. Subrecipients must agree to participate in AZCSP staff and contractor instructional and finance/operational/grants management technical assistance for all three years.
For further information call Mark Francis, 602.542.4020, [email protected].
Send the completed Eligibility Form and Registration Form to [email protected]
RFA Part I AZCSP 2026-28 Subgrant Eligibility Form
AZCSP 2026-28 Registration Form
RFA Part II AZCSP 2026-28 Subgrant Application
RFA Part II AZCSP 2026-28 Subgrant Application Evaluation Criteria
AZCSP Project 2025-27 Years Timeline Charts
RFA AZCSP 2026-28 Subgrant Application Training Slides - November 13 & 18, 2024
Federal Lottery Policy Guidelines
1) Accepting federal funds means following federal law (regulation) in the use of those funds.
2) Federal law supersedes state law. If the school accepts federal funds (AZCSP Subgrants), the lottery policy of the school must be consistent with federal law.
3) Arizona's lottery law differs from federal law, noticeably for categories exempt from the lottery and automatically enrolled. Including references to Arizona law and federal law creates a conflict in the school's lottery policy.