Educator Certification: Fingerprint Clearance Card (IVP)
Arizona Department of Public Safety Fingerprint Clearance Card
All teachers and individuals that work in the classroom are required to have an Identity Verified Prints (IVP) fingerprint clearance card per Arizona Revised Statue 15-106.
- Be sure to request the Identity Verified Prints (IVP) application for Teacher Certification when contacting DPS.
- Be sure to mark Teacher Certification as the sponsor on the application.
- Include your SSN with your IVP Fingerprint application.
- These 2 steps will authorize DPS to share your information with the Certification Unit and allow you to create your account on the AzEDCert portal.
- These 2 steps will authorize DPS to share your information with the Certification Unit and allow you to create your account on the AzEDCert portal.
To apply for an IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card:
- Please visit the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) website.
- Select "Fingerprint Clearance Card Application, Requests, and Status Checks" for information on how to apply for your IVP fingerprint clearance card
For specific questions about obtaining, processing time, or renewing your IVP fingerprint clearance card please call the Arizona Department of Public Safety at 602-223-2279. The DPS establishes the procedures for applying for an IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card.