Qualified Evaluator Training
"The content in this training takes the stress out of the observation/evaluation process by clarifying the process and expectations and distilling it all down to focusing on how to improve student learning."
“Heavy on practical application and tools—light on theory that doesn’t change practice.”
The Arizona Department of Education has developed an exciting 2-day professional learning opportunity for Assistant Principals, Deans of Students, TOAs/TOSAs, Principals, and others charged with the responsibility of observing and evaluating teachers.
The 2-day, in-person Qualified Evaluator Training (QET): A Better Way to Evaluate is designed to provide tools, strategies, and resources to assist with supporting teacher practice throughout the supervision and evaluation process.
QET is for aspiring, new, and veteran principals, assistant principals, coaches, mentors, and other instructional leaders seeking to elevate their coaching and leadership skills while meeting the criteria for being a qualified evaluator. This training meets the criteria stated in ARS §15-537(F) for qualified evaluators.
Join us for the next 2-day QET Training:
Tuesday & Wednesday, February 4-5, 2025
Wednesday & Thursday, April 29-30, 2025
A continental breakfast and lunch are included in the $50 registration fee.
All trainings will take place at ADE from 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
Join the email list to receive updates about all trainings:
Questions: [email protected]