ESSER I, II, III Programmatic Monitoring
ESSER I, II, III Programmatic Monitoring - 2022
Programmatic monitoring for ESSER I, II, III begins in June. LEAs from across the state were randomly selected to participate in programmatic monitoring. Selected LEAs will be notified on May 4th via email. These sixty-two LEAs represent all 15 counties, districts, and charters, small, mid-size, large, rural, and urban LEAs.
Initial monitoring will cover ESSER I, II, and III funded activities that have been implemented or planned through summer 2022. During June, July, and September, our team will meet virtually with the LEA teams to learn more about the LEA’s implementation journey, the decision-making process, stakeholder involvement, and how the funds address current needs and impact immediate and long-term student outcomes.
We want to hear your LEA’s ESSER story.
- THE WHY: Why did your school district/LEA decide to spend ESSER funds in the ways it has?
We hope to learn:
- Strategy/action implementation successes and barriers for Physical Health and Safety, Academics and SEL, Mental Health (licensed), and Continuity of services across all three ESSER grants.
- 20% set-aside strategy/action implementation successes and barriers
- Successes, needs or barriers in maintaining safe in-person learning, internet access and reengaging students
- Construction projects, stage of construction, projected completion dates, total costs
- Air quality/HVAC projects, stage of construction, projected completion dates, total costs
- Transportation: vehicle purchases, impact, dollar amount
- ESSER III set aside including implementation/evidence of impact/successes/barriers and disproportionately impacted subgroups served
List of Selected LEAs with Assigned Specialists
Copy of ESSER Monitoring Protocol: for information ONLY
ESSER II, III Programmatic Monitoring - 2023
Programmatic monitoring for ESSER II and III begins February 2023. LEAs from across the state were randomly selected to participate in programmatic monitoring. Selected LEAs will be notified on January 13, 2023, via email. These sixty-two LEAs represent all 15 counties, districts, and charters; small, mid-size, large, rural, and urban LEAs.
During February, March, and April, our team will meet virtually with LEAs to discuss the ESSER III Programmatic Monitoring 2023 Data Chart document (see resources below) and construction and HVAC projects in the ESSER II and III grant applications.
We want to learn about your LEA's ESSER III 20% Set-Aside:
- What evidence-based strategies, programs, interventions, and/or activities the LEA funded?
- What were the intended outcomes?
- What were the success indicators?
- What data was gathered and analyzed to determine efficacy?
- What are the LEAs actionable next steps?
We want to be informed about your LEA's ESSER II and ESSER III construction and HVAC project(s):
- Why the project(s) are important to your LEA
- Status of project(s)
- Project completion date(s) or estimated completion date(s)
We look forward to these conversations! If you have any questions, please contact or Jessica Deery at 602-542-3068.
Monitoring - 2023 List of Specialists
Measuring Outcomes for Evidence-Based Strategies, Intended Outcomes, and Success Indicators-REL West October Training 4.1.10
Below is the link with the DFecember 1, 2022 Data Review Protocol recordings and accompanying files (slide decks, data review protocol graphic organizers, and simulated data). We put them in two separate folders so you may select what your LEA wants to use: December 2022 data review protocol videos