Flagstaff Unified District
The district's ESSER III funding is being used to assist our schools in navigating the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds have also been allocated to address the significant learning loss experienced by students over the last 18 months. These will take the form of online interventions and additional staffing geared toward reducing the gaps in individual student learning. These interventions are both online and in-person in order to teach to individual student modalities. Funding will also be used to address the Social Emotional needs as they return to school after a difficult year in which they not only experienced challenges to their learning but many also experienced illness and loss in their families. FUSD Staff has received training in the Canvas Learning Platform that will allow for consistency in monitoring student progress whether that be in person or remote learning. Staff also received training in Restorative Practice and Suicide Prevention to help support emotional growth and stability in the lives of our students. Each student in FUSD has an iPad that allows them to access the curriculum. Hot spots were provided to any student with limited or no access to WiFi. By closely aligning our funding to our LEA"s Integrated Action Plan and Mitigation Plan our district is poised to help students and staff achieve our goal of a full year of in person learning in which we successfully close learning gaps and deal with the trauma and loss experienced last school year.