Imagine Middle at East Mesa, Inc.
- Additional instructional aide to support small group interventions to address learning loss due to COVID19 using Fundations curriculum for phonics and reading and Eureka math curriculum.
- Large interactive mounted display screens for all English and Math classrooms to enhance engaging and personalized math and English instruction using Fundations and Eureka Math curriculum
- Instructional Coach to progress monitor and work with students in reading and math utilizing the Galileo Benchmark Assessment tool, Eureka math curriculum
- Caring School Community SEL Program Caring School Community is a comprehensive, research-based social and emotional learning (SEL) program that builds school-wide community, develops students' social skills and SEL competencies, and enables a transformative stance on discipline.
-Online learning software (Powerschool) for students to engage in additional learning opportunities outside of the core instruction
to increase engagement, learning opportunities and allow students to work from home when quarantined or isolated due to the Covid-19
- 36 Dell Laptops needed to support the Edgenuity software for 7th and 8th grade students.
Additional middle school English specialist to increase student interventions and student and teacher support.
-Off set lease rate for school building.
-Classroom supplies/materials-8th grade - ELA - multiple books/novels ordered
-Classroom supplies/materials -$865.00-Aqua Phoenix(Science-Chemical Reactions/Contact Forces) - Science materials for in class
experiments and hands on learning for students.
-Charging cart to easily store, maintain and charge Chromebook needed for increase student learning loss due to COVID-19.
-Teachers to attend The Ron Clark Academy House Con Professional Development focused on engagement and teaching
strategies to create a sense of belonging for students and families and support teaching in increasing engagement to increase student learning
and encourage academic excellence. 13 teachers x $995.00 registration for each teacher.