Laveen Elementary District
The Laveen Elementary School District will ensure that interventions implemented will indeed address the academic impact of lost instructional time and respond to the academic, social-emotional, and mental health needs of all students by setting procedures and expectations of 'Accelerated Learning'. Through the schools' PLC process teachers will make data-informed decisions and refine their real-time assessment craft to ensure students needing additional support on a grade-level concept will receive real-time support during the lesson. The district has added certified tutors to every campus to assist in targeted interventions for students.
The district has also added certified teachers to lower K-2 class sizes and offer our youngest students a more individualized approach. The district has also added positions that directly support our most disproportionately impacted students such as children with disabilities, children in foster care, students experiencing homelessness, and English learners. The positions added are 4 special education positions (certified Resource Teacher, Self-Contained Teacher, Speech Pathologist and a special education Self-Contained Instructional Coach), School Psychologist, School Counselor (Revision #1 2/22/22: targeting students of low-income families), additional English Learner Instructional Associates, and additional hours for our Student Success Instructional Associates.
The District will provide summer school targeting vulnerable students such as of low-income, students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students
experiencing homelessness and students in foster care. The District will utilize and provide guidance for the following evidenced based programs in summer school ReadyGen, Math Recovery Intervention, and Kagan to support student academic needs, as well as Second Step to support student social emotional needs.
The District will also offer an extended day academic program targeting students with disabilities. The District will utilize and provide guidance for the following evidenced based programs in summer school ReadyGen, Math Recovery Intervention, and Kagan to support student academic needs.
The District will also retain .10 FTE of 16 Instructional Coaches to work directly with teachers on addressing Learning Recovery using cognitive coaching and to deliver embedded professional development to teachers based on data.
The District will utilize the Second Step Social-Emotional Curriculum with all students in Prek-8th grade as a universal, classroom-based social emotional learning program. When implemented holistically, SEL can build stronger communities and support inclusive, equitable learning.
The District utilizes PBIS at all of our schools. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework for improving and integrating all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. It is a way to support everyone - especially students with disabilities - to create the kinds of schools where all students are successful.