Accountability & Research Data
Accountability publishes many public reports for the Arizona Department of Education. These reports include state assessment results, graduation rates, dropout rates, and enrollment data. When utilizing these reports for any purpose, it is important to thoroughly understand the data presented. Please see the Accountability Data Guide for detailed information on public reporting, including scheduling, guidelines, and other resources.
State Assessment Public Files
Please be aware that the Arizona Department of Education does not issue assessment results to students/families. Please contact the school or LEA where the student tested for this information.
- Assessments 2024 (Last Updated 9/23/2024)
- Assessments 2023 (Last Updated 10/06/2023)
- Please keep in mind that asterisks (*) in the data indicate numbers under 11 that are not reported per the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
- Assessments 2022 (Last Updated 10/16/2023)
- Please keep in mind that asterisks (*) in the data indicate numbers under 11 that are not reported per the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
- Assessments 2021(Last Updated 2/1/2023)
- Please keep in mind that asterisks (*) in the data indicate numbers under 11 that are not reported per the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
- AzMERIT, MSAA, ACT, and SAT 2019 (Last updated 01/23/2020)
- Please note: This file includes the combined student performance results from the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 administrations of the AzMERIT statewide assessment, the Multi-State Alternative Assessment (MSAA) alternative statewide assessment, the state administration of the ACT assessment for those schools using it as their state assessment, and the state administration of the SAT assessment for those schools using it as their state assessment. This document has separate tabs that contain four different breakdowns of results (by school, by LEA, by county, and at the state level by school type). Please keep in mind that asterisks (*) in the data indicate numbers under 11 that are not reported per the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). This file was updated on 01/23/2020 with corrections in place to ensure that the Menu of Assessment results were reflected appropriately in the “All Assessments” Test Level.
- AzMERIT, ACT, and SAT 2019 (Last updated 01/23/2020)
- Please note: This file includes the combined student performance results from the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 administrations of the AzMERIT statewide assessment, the state administration of the ACT assessment for those schools using it as their state assessment, and the state administration of the SAT assessment for those schools using it as their state assessment. This document has separate tabs that contain four different breakdowns of results (by school, by LEA, by county, and at the state level by school type). Please keep in mind that asterisks (*) in the data indicate numbers under 11 that are not reported per the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). This file was updated on 01/23/2020 with corrections in place to ensure that the Menu of Assessment results were reflected appropriately in the “All Assessments” Test Level.
- AzMERIT and MSAA 2018
- Please note: This file includes the combined student performance results from the Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 administrations of the AzMERIT statewide assessment and the Multi-State Alternative Assessment (MSAA) alternative statewide assessment. This document has separate tabs that contain four different breakdowns of results (by school, by LEA, by county, and at the state level by school type). Please keep in mind that asterisks (*) in the data indicate numbers under 11 that are not reported per the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
- AzMERIT 2018
- Please note: This new report includes only the combined student performance results from the Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 administrations of the AzMERIT statewide assessment. This file contains reports of the percentage of Arizona public students who passed AzMERIT and the percentage at each performance level. The report includes percentages for Arizona public schools, districts, and charter holders, country, and statewide results.
- AzMERIT and MSAA 2017
- Please note: This file includes the combined student performance results from the Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 administrations of the AzMERIT statewide assessment and the Multi-State Alternative Assessment (MSAA) alternative statewide assessment. This document has separate tabs that contain four different breakdowns of results (by school, by LEA, by county, and at the state level by school type). Please keep in mind that asterisks (*) in the data indicate numbers under 11 that are not reported per the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
- AzMERIT and MSAA 2016 (Last updated 9/27/2016)
- Please note: This report previously reflected only AzMERIT results but has been updated to include the combined student performance results from the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 administrations of the AzMERIT statewide assessment and the Multi-State Alternative Assessment (MSAA) alternative statewide assessment. This file contains reports of the percentage of Arizona public school students who passed the statewide assessments and the percentage at each performance level. The report includes percentages for Arizona public schools, districts and charter holders, and county, and statewide results.
- AzMERIT 2016
- Please note: This new report includes only the combined student performance results from the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 administrations of the AzMERIT statewide assessment. This file contains reports of the percentage of Arizona public students who passed AzMERIT and the percentage at each performance level. The report includes percentages for Arizona public schools, districts, and charter holders, country, and statewide results.
- Valid test results were included for students with an enrollment in an Arizona public school on the first date of the Fall 2015 or Spring 2016 enrollment test windows. Results are counted at the school in which a student was enrolled, not where the student was administered the assessment. If the student took the same assessment in both the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 test window, only the higher of the two scores is included. If the student took a different assessment in the Fall 2015 and the Spring 2016 test windows, both scores are included. The source of the subgroup and ethnicity data is the Student Accountability Information System (SAIS), which is reported by districts and charter holders to the Arizona Department of Education.
- AzMERIT and NCSC 2015
AzSCI and MSAA Science
- 2024 AzSCI Field Test and MSAA Science Test(Uploaded 11/21/2024)
- 2023 AzSCI Field Test and MSAA Science Test(Updated 10/26/2023)
- 2022 AzSCI Field Test and MSAA Science Test(Updated 08/09/2023)
- 2021 AzSCI Field Test and MSAA Science Field Test
- Please note: In Spring 2021, the AzSCI Field Test and MSAA Science Field Tests were administered to Arizona schools. Assessment results for these field tests are not available.
- 2021 AzSCI Field Test Participation Rates
- Please note: This file includes the combined student participation rates from the Spring 2021 administrations of the AzSCI statewide assessment and the Multi-State Alternative Assessment (MSAA) alternative statewide assessment. This document has separate tabs that contain three different breakdowns of results (by school, by LEA, and at the state level). Please keep in mind that asterisks (*) in the data indicate numbers under 11 that are not reported per the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
Please note: These Excel documents have separate tabs that contain five different breakdowns of AIMS and AIMS A results (by school, by school and grade, by LEA and grade, by county and grade, and at the state level by grade). Please keep in mind that asterisks (*) in the data indicate numbers under 11 that are not reported per the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
- Please note: This file includes the combined student performance results from the Spring 2019 administrations of the AIMS statewide assessment, the AIMS A alternative statewide assessment, and the state administration of the ACT assessment for those schools using it as their state assessment. This file was updated on 1/17/2020 with corrections in place to ensure that the Menu of Assessment results were reflected appropriately in the "All Assessments" Test Level.
- AIMS Science and AIMS A Science 2018
- AIMS Science and AIMS A Science 2017
- AIMS Science and AIMS A Science 2016
- AIMS Science and AIMS A Science 2015
- AIMS and AIMS A 2014
- AIMS and AIMS A 2013
- AIMS and AIMS A 2012
- AIMS and AIMS A 2011
- AIMS and AIMS A 2010
- AIMS A 2014
- AIMS A 2013
- AIMS A 2012
- AIMS A 2011
Students with Disabilities
- 2014 AIMS with Accommodation
- 2013 AIMS with Accommodation
- 2012 AIMS with Accommodation
- 2011 AIMS with Accommodation
- 2014 AIMS without Accommodation
- 2013 AIMS without Accommodation
- 2012 AIMS without Accommodation
- 2011 AIMS without Accommodation
AIMS Technical Information
- 2012-2014 AIMS Performance Levels and Scale Scores
- 2011 AIMS Performance Levels and Scale Scores
- Fall 2010 AIMS Performance Levels and Scale Scores
- 2010 AIMS Performance Levels and Scale Scores
AIMS Improvement
These files have separate tabs that contain four different breakdowns of results (by school, by LEA, by county, and by state level ). Please keep in mind that asterisks (*) in the data indicate student groups under 11 that are not reported per the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
Graduation Rate, Dropout Rate, and Enrollment Reports
Graduation Rates are calculated and published annually for both four-year and five-year graduation rates.
Cohort year refers to the cohort a student is assigned when they first enter an Arizona public high school. For example, if a student enters 9th grade in 2014, they would be in cohort 2018 and would be included in the "Cohort 2018 Four Year Grad Rate Data". However, if that same student needed a fifth year of high school in order to graduate, they would be included in the "Cohort 2018 Five Year Grad Rate Data". If you have questions or need additional guidance, please reach out to [email protected].
Four-Year Graduation Rates
- Cohort 2023 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2022 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2021 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2020 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2019 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2018 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2017 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2016 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2015 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2014 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2013 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2012 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2011 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2010 Four-Year Graduation Rate Data
Note: a "^" next to graduation rate or student counts indicates impending appeals.
Five-Year Graduation Rates
- Cohort 2022 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2021 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2020 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2019 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2018 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2017 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2016 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2015 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2014 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2013 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2012 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2011 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
- Cohort 2010 Five-Year Graduation Rate Data
Note: a "^" next to graduation rate or student counts indicates impending appeals.
Information for Technical Users: Graduation Technical Manual
The calculation of dropout statistics is a cooperative effort of the local school districts, the Arizona Department of Education, the Arizona State Legislature, and the United States Department of Education. Presently, the emphasis on education reform mandates greater attention to performance measures, such as the dropout rate, which serves as a key indicator of a school’s success in maintaining its student population. Dropout rates are reported for grades seven through twelve and are based on a calendar year that runs from the first day of summer recess through the last day of school. A school’s total enrollment is used as the population figure against which dropouts are subsequently counted. For purposes of this study, dropouts are defined as students who are enrolled in school at any time during the school year but are not enrolled at the end of the school year and did not transfer, graduate, or die.
These reports include the number of students enrolled on the October 1 reporting date. The enrollment counts are available at the following levels: Statewide, County, LEA (school district), and School. These enrollment counts are further broken down for the following demographics: Gender, Ethnicity, EL, Income Eligibility 1 & 2, and Students with Disabilities.
Note: Due to missing data in some variables for student characteristics submitted by schools, the “Total” columns may not match precisely from one tab to another.
- 2023-2024 School Year (Updated 12/13/2024)
- 2022-2023 School Year(Updated 1/04/2024)
- 2021-2022 School Year
- 2020-2021 School Year (Updated 9/22/21)
- 2019-2020 School Year (Updated 5/21/21)
- 2018-2019 School Year (Updated 5/21/21)
- 2017-2018 School Year (Updated 5/21/21)
- 2016-2017 School Year
- 2015-2016 School Year (Updated 11/9/16)
- 2014-2015 School Year
- 2013-2014 School Year
- 2012-2013 School Year
- 2011-2012 School Year
- 2010-2011 School Year
ADE is committed to maintaining transparency of government and providing actionable information to parents, educators, and the community. To that end, ADE provides public datasets and reports that may be immediately downloaded and utilized. If the available datasets do not meet your needs, please click here.
Most downloadable documents on the Arizona Department of Education's Website require Adobe Acrobat Reader.
COVID-19 Impact Reporting
- COVID Impact EL Presentation
- COVID Impact EL Data (Pending)