From the Every Student Succeeds Act Blog
Public Comment - AZ State ESSA Plan
Tue, Aug 20 2024
ESSA Updates
Comments will be accepted through Friday, September 20, 2024.
Through March and April, ADE hosted webinars to dive in-depth on specific sections of the proposed revisions to the Arizona ESSA State Plan and solicit feedback.
The next round of webinars has been announced! Please see the below sections to find more information on the summer webinars and how stakeholder feedback has been incorporated into the Arizona ESSA State Plan revisions.
Associate Superintendent Kelly Koenig shares an overview of the ESSA State Plan’s proposed revisions, including key changes and additions. Participants will be able to complete a survey following the webinar to submit their feedback on the proposed revisions.
Round 2 Webinar Information:
Round 1 Webinar Information:
Round 2 Webinar Information:
Round 1 Webinar Information:
Round 2 Webinar Information:
Round 1 Webinar Information:
Title I, Part C (Migratory Children); Title III, Part A (English Learner Students); Title VII, Subpart B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act: (Education for Homeless Children)
Round 2 Webinar Information:
Round 1 Webinar Information:
Round 2 Webinar Information:
Round 1 Webinar Information:
Round 2 Webinar Information
Round 1 Webinar Information:
Round 2 Webinar Information:
Round 1 Webinar Information:
Round 2 Webinar Information:
Round 1 Webinar Information: