Title IV-A Resources
- FY23 LEA Title IV-A Workbook Template
- Title IV-A Carryover Memo
- School Security Request Memo
- ISTE Fact Sheet: ESSA Title IV Part A
- National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments website
- Title IV-A Examples of Allowable Activities
- Scope of Work Resource – Narrative Question 4
- Title IV-A Supplement Not Supplant Resource 9-15-20
- Budget Narrative Resources for Title I-A, I-D, II-A, IV-A, RLIS/V
- 2023 Dear Colleague Letter: Leveraging Federal Funds for Teaching and Learning with Technology
- LIAP and SIAP Principles
- FY24 Program Narrative Guidance
- Education Commission of the States Special Report: ESSA's Well-Rounded Education