Resources: Computer Science
Computer Science Resources
Computer Science Implementation Guidance Document
Recorded Webinars
Computer Science Standards Webinars
Past Events
Computer Science Professional Development Week
Gilbert Public Schools Kindergarten – 5th Grade Science Lessons
Kindergarten | 1st Grade | 2nd Grade | 3rd Grade | 4th Grade | 5th Grade
- Computer Science Teachers Association of Arizona- Arizona news and events for the Southern, Maricopa, and Northern Region.
- Computer Science Teachers Association- CSTA’s Resources for K-12 Teachers, K-12 Administrators, PD Providers, Schools of Education, and Policymakers.
- CS Coaching Toolkit - A toolkit to bring CS coaching to every school.
- Rural America’s Critical Connection Broadband Today- As a Pandemic Changes Society, Broadband is Rural American’s Critical Connection.
- Computer Science Principles - An entire course offered by for High School Self Paced 30 hour Computer Science course offered by for Middle and High school
- Course B All you need is code - many premade lessons/activities
- Complete lesson plans, presentations, etc. to deliver to your classes by Code for Fun K-12 Digital Citizenship from Common Sense Media
- Cultivating Interest and Competencies in Computing Report – Authentic Experiences and Design Factors from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine Consensus Study Report
ISTE: Three benefits of mobile learning you’re not leveraging
Steps for a Computer Science Endorsement
Arizona Endorsement for Computer Science Educators Computer Science Pre K-8 Computer Science 6-12
**The views and opinions expressed in any third-party resource do not necessarily reflect those of the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) and do not imply an endorsement by ADE.