Standards: English Language Arts
Arizona English Language Arts Standards
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Look for the word CASE next to each of our Word and PDF files. The Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange is the framework that allows for the navigation and integration of Arizona Academic Standards.
Join the ADE ELA Team and literacy leaders from around the state in an opportunity to collaborate, share, and learn about reading and literacy information. This year you don't have to register in advance. Just click the picture to the left to join the Microsoft Teams meeting, every 2nd Thursday of the month at 11 AM MST. Visit the Padlet for more information!
Introduction PDF | Word | CASE
Standards Glossary PDF | Word | CASE
Anchor Standards PDF | Word | CASE
Kindergarten (Revised 7/17) PDF | Word | CASE | Kindergarten (Revised 7/17) PDF | Word | CASE |
First Grade (Revised 7/17) PDF | Word | CASE | First Grade (Revised 7/17) PDF | Word | CASE |
Second Grade PDF | Word | CASE | Second Grade PDF | Word | CASE |
Third Grade PDF | | CASE | Third Grade PDF | Word | CASE |
Fourth Grade PDF | | CASE | Fourth Grade PDF | Word | CASE |
Fifth Grade PDF | | CASE | Fifth Grade PDF | Word | CASE |
Sixth Grade PDF | | CASE | Sixth Grade PDF | Word | CASE |
Seventh Grade PDF | | CASE | Seventh Grade PDF | Word | CASE |
Eighth Grade (Revised 3/17) PDF | | CASE | Eighth Grade (Revised 3/17) PDF | Word | CASE |
Ninth/Tenth Grades PDF | Word | CASE | Ninth/Tenth Grades PDF | Word | CASE |
Eleventh/Twelfth PDF | Word | CASE | Eleventh/Twelfth PDF | Word | CASE |
Vertical Articulation of the K-12 ELA Standards - The Vertical Articulation document shows the progression of each standard over the course of the K-12 continuum. It is important to have an understanding of how a skill/standard develops over time.
The ELA and Science Crosswalks show the purposeful connections between the Science Standards and the ELA (English Language Arts) Standards.
Arizona Assessments - AASA (Arizona's Academic Standards Assessment) is the statewide achievement test for Arizona students in Grades 3-8. All Arizona public school students in Grades 3 - 8 will take the grade level AASA assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Grades 9 and Grade 11 students will take the ACT Aspire assessment. Cohort 2023 (typically grade 11) students will take the ACT assessment.
AZELLA - AZELLA (Arizona’s English Language Learner Assessment) is a Standards-Based Assessment that measures a student’s English language proficiency based on the Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards.
NAEP - NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) is a national assessment of academic content outlined in the NAEP Academic Frameworks. The assessments are given to a sample of students in Grades 4, 8, and 12.
**ELA and Assessment - Would you like to learn more about the new Arizona assessments? Visit Assessment for lots of helpful information and resources, including their Friday Focus Webinars!
Literacy Professional Learning
For questions regarding registration, certificates, accessing courses, etc. please refer to our APLD Participant Guide: APLD FAQ Page.
Summary of Changes for the Arizona English Language Arts Standards (Adopted December 2016)
- Kindergarten (Updated 2.13.2017)
- First Grade (Updated 2.13.2017)
- Second Grade (Updated 8.7.2017)
- Third Grade (Updated 8.7.2017)
- Fourth Grade (Updated 8.7.2017)
- Fifth Grade (Updated 8.7.2017)
- Sixth Grade (Updated 8.7.2017)
- Seventh Grade (Updated 8.7.2017)
- Eighth Grade (Updated 6.15.2017)
- Ninth and Tenth Grade (Updated 2.13.2017)
- Eleventh and Twelfth Grade (Updated 2.13.2017)
- Anchor Standards (Updated 2.13.2017)
**The views and opinions expressed in any third-party resource do not necessarily reflect those of the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) and do not imply an endorsement by ADE.