Facilitated IEP
State-coordinated Facilitated IEP is a free early resolution option available to public school districts/ charter schools and parents of children with disabilities to ensure that a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed by a collaborative team in a structured meeting. Participation is voluntary, meaning both parties must agree to include in the meeting a neutral facilitator who keeps the meeting focused on developing an IEP that is reasonably calculated to provide the student with a free appropriate public education (FAPE). The aim of including a highly trained special education facilitator in the meeting is to build capacity among educators and families to ensure that collaborative, student-focused IEP teams are equipped to make sound decisions in the development of IEPs.
Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre el Programa de Facilitacion del IEP
FIEP Forms
*En linea* Solicitud para la Facilitacion del IEP Coordinado
Solicitud para la Facilitacion del IEP Coordinado
For information regarding State-coordinated Facilitated IEP, email the FIEP Inbox or phone the Alternative Dispute Resolution Specialist at 602-542-7579.
For districts/charters interested in scheduling FIEP training, more information can be found at Facilitated IEP Training Information.
Revised 3/20/2025